February 28, 2023 3:00 PM
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This is a past concert

LA Phil Chamber Music Series - Schubert and Prokofiev

LA Phil violin Jin-Shan Dai curates a wide-ranging program that offers the orchestra’s bass players a rare chance in the chamber music spotlight. Opening the night is the Concertino by Erwin Schulhoff, whose music blends the late-Romantic style of his mentor Dvořák with elements of post-WWI expressionism and even jazz. Prokofiev’s Quintet picks up that early-20th-century thread with unapologetic glee, chromaticism, and Stravinsky-inspired rhythmic flair. The second half of the concert pivots to one of Franz Schubert’s most popular and loved works, the leisurely and uplifting “Trout” Quintet.


SCHULHOFFConcertino for Flute, Viola, and Double Bass

PROKOFIEVQuintet in G minor, Op. 39


SCHUBERTPiano Quintet, “The Trout”


Walt Disney Concert Hall

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February 28, 2023 3:00 PM

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